American Society

for Rickettsiology


Early Abstract & Travel Grant Deadline: APRIL 4

Late Breaking Abstract Submissions: JUNE 1-14 

Submission System

Click the button to open the form in a new window 

Abstract Submission Form

Submission Instructions

1.  You must first register to attend the meeting. Your registration confirmation will contain a link to submit an abstract.

2.  Create an account in the Oxford Abstract system. 

    • If you submitted an abstract last year, use the same login.
    • You may return at any time to update your information or edit your abstract prior to the deadline. 

3.  Login to submit your abstract and complete the online form.

    • Limit the abstract to 300 words. Do not include tables or figures.  
    • The abstract form will require the following information:
      • Submitter contact details: First/Last name, phone, career stage, gender (used for NIH)
      • Abstract Title
      • Abstract Authors and Affiliations (listed in the order to appear in meeting materials)
      • Abstract (300 words or less)  *Do not include authors or affiliations in the body of the abstract*
      • Category
      • Consider for Oral presentation (yes/no)
      • Author approval
      • Permission to publish
      • Author agreement to present if selected

Still have Questions?

    For technical issues and/or submission questions, please contact Karen Gottlieb at


    Poster Presentations

    If your poster is accepted and not selected for a short talk, you will be asked to prepare a poster presentation.  Notifications will go out in late May. 

    Posters should be sized to 48"w x 48"h.

    Double-sided boards will be provided with push pins.  Please do not laminate your poster.

    Invited Short Talks

    All abstracts will be peer reviewed (blinded) and a limited number will be selected for invited short talks as part of the scientific program. If selected, you will be notified by June 1.  Travel reimbursements are not available for short talk presenters.

    Short talks should be 12 + 3 minutes of Q&A.

    Bring your presentation to the meeting on a USB flash drive and provide it to the A/V tech in the room at least 15 minutes before your session start time.

    Important Dates

    Travel Grant Deadline: April 1

    Abstract Deadline: April 30

    Travel Grant Notifications:  May 1

    Abstract Acceptance Notifications:    May 21

    Late Breaking:   JUNE 1-14

    Late Breaking Notifications: June 16

    American Society for Rickettsiology

    6524 SW 61st Terrace, Miami, FL 33143

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