American Society

for Rickettsiology

ASR Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The American Society for Rickettsiology believes that fostering a community that embraces diversity and inclusion is essential both for advancing the field of rickettsiology and for the well-being of our members. We strive to create a society where individuals of all backgrounds, identities, and experiences feel valued, respected, and included. We recognize that diversity extends beyond visible differences and includes a variety of perspectives, thoughts, and approaches. By actively promoting diversity, we aim to enrich the scientific community, stimulate innovation, and enhance the quality of our research. Our goal is to create a fair and just platform where every member can thrive and contribute to the advancement of rickettsia research. We actively seek input from all members to ensure that our programs, events, and initiatives reflect the diverse needs and interests of our community.

We acknowledge that building a truly inclusive and equitable society is an ongoing process that requires continuous self-reflection and improvement. Thus, we encourage our members to participate in these efforts. We are committed to learning, evolving, and taking meaningful actions to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in our field. Together, we can create a scientific community that reflects the richness of human diversity and contributes to the advancement of rickettsia research.

Ongoing efforts include:

  • Creating a balanced and diverse program at our annual meeting
  • Offering travel awards to support junior scientists
  • Offering awards to support attendees with childcare obligations
  • Engaging universities that serve students from disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Collecting demographic data on race, gender, and other factors to measure our progress towards representing the US scientific population
  • Soliciting input from meeting attendees
  • Increasing transparency and member feedback in ASR decision-making
  • Implementing an anonymous reporting tool to respond quickly to member concerns
  • Appointing ASR DEI Ambassadors to advise and assist the ASR Executive Council

American Society for Rickettsiology

6524 SW 61st Terrace, Miami, FL 33143


ASR is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Association
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